All you need to know to run a successful Print-on-Demand business

Nhập khẩu sản phẩm từ Etsy

Nếu bạn đang muốn chuyển cửa hàng của mình từ Etsy sang WooCommerce, hoặc chỉ muốn thiết lập cửa hàng cá nhân của mình ngoài Etsy, bạn có thể sử

Nhập khẩu sản phẩm từ Etsy

Nếu bạn muốn chuyển cửa hàng Etsy của mình sang WooCommerce, hoặc nếu bạn chỉ muốn tạo cửa hàng cá nhân của mình ngoài Etsy, bạn có thể sử dụng

Nhập khẩu / Xuất khẩu sản phẩm theo định dạng CSV

Từ phiên bản 3.1 của WooCommerce, một công cụ cho phép nhập khẩu và xuất khẩu sản phẩm của bạn theo định dạng CSV. Với tệp CSV này, bạn có
Create navigation menu on BurgerPrints custom domain

Create navigation menu on BurgerPrints custom domain

One of the most important features when using BurgerPrints custom domain is that sellers can customi…

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Building brand for your Print on Demand business (P2)

Why should you custom branding when doing POD business? In Print on Demand business, there are almos…

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Building brand for your Print on Demand business (P1)

Many people often think that a Brand is something frivolous, especially when selling POD or dropship…

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Tips for selling POD products in Autumn season

Not brilliant as Summer, not cold as Winter, Autumn brings a warm, gentle feeling with countries in …

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POD products design inspiration for “Patriot day”

“Patriot day” – is a memorial day for the victims of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade …

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Print on Demand jigsaw puzzle selling tips

As a psychologist once said: We humans feel stressed if we have a task that we don’t succeed at and …

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How to set price for your Print on Demand products

Pricing your Print on Demand products is an important step. However, how to set a reasonable selling…

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September 2020 special days you won’t want to miss

September has many special holidays you can take advantage of for selling your Print on Demand produ…

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Tips to build instagram page for your Print on Demand store

Instagram is an effective channel to promote, increase traffic to your Print on Demand store. Check …

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3 simple steps to create a Print on Demand store with BurgerPrints

The custom domain store on BurgerPrints platform is not only designed with high aesthetics, providin…

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Selling Print on Demand products on Back To School season

The ‘Back To School’ season is also a good opportunity to create campaigns for selling P…

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5 ways to drive traffic to your print on demand store

After created your print on demand products and successfully uploaded them to BurgerPrints, the next…

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Print on demand niche – ‘Fishing'

If you choose the ‘fishing’ niche for your print on demand business, this might be some useful infor…

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Basic guide to sell Print on Demand T shirt for beginners

T-shirts are not only a popular costume, the designs and images printed on the t shirt also reflect …

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August 2020 special days you won’t want to miss

Special days in August that every print on demand seller don’t want to miss. It may help you t…

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How to play puzzle game

Puzzle is a new product that be fulfilled at BurgerPrints platform. Below is one of specific instruc…

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Print on Demand sales funnel using Facebook Ads

For those who have just started to sell or have been in Print on Demand for a while, they often use …

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Increase sales for print on demand business with email

Every customer who enters your online store is a potential customer, try these methods to optimize s…

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