
How to create email marketing campaign on BurgerPrints platform

Email is an extremely important marketing tool for any Print on Demand seller. There are many platforms provide free email marketing service that help you send email marketing campaigns to your customers.

At BurgerPrints, we also offer email features that allow sellers to send emails to their customers to promote their products and campaigns.

Email marketing feature of BurgerPrints

Already integrated into the system, it is easy for sellers to use the feature for free. There are also have paid packages available for sellers to choose. The free quota applies to all accounts on BurgerPrints, where sellers will be able to send 10,000 emails to their customers. If you want to send more, the seller can choose the other paid plans.

Email list

BurgerPrints allows sellers to build email list via create customers email list, the seller can send to them directly on the system. Or you can also upload csv file email list into the system.

How to create email marketing campaign

Step 1: Click ‘Email’ in your account at seller dashboard.


Step 3: Fill the information:

Create email campaign name.

Schedule date & time (follow the New York, US timezone).

Fill the t

Choose domain to send: This is the domain that will appear in the email sent to the customer. So sellers should pay attention to choose the right domain for each of their campaigns.

Add promotion campaigns and apply coupon (if any).

Choose layout template then click Next. BurgerPrints allows sellers to choose 1 of 8 email templates on the system.

Here, sellers can choose the email lists available on the system or create a new email list by system data.

Click Done and the email will be sent to your client at the selected time. Sellers also can edit or delete the email campaign before the scheduled time.


– Do not put too many campaigns in one email marketing, this will make your email look confusing and quite heavy.

– Write attention-grabbing headlines: Focus on a particular feature of the collection or can emphasize a limited amount (limited edition or promotional code for a limited time).

– Take care of your old customers.

– Create emails content such as the holiday gift guide that your customers can buy for their friends and family during the holiday season.

Email is a very useful tool and sellers should not ignore its advantages and benefits. Wishing these information will help you have a successful holiday sale season.

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