
Amazing Features of Seller Dashboard

The Seller Dashboard gathered all the necessary information about your campaigns, and is presented in a concise and beautiful way. You can track the metrics of your campaigns easily and optimize your business in a better way.

Take the time to check out the amazing features in the BurgerPrints Dashboard.


Conversion is a statistics table, allowing you to know the following metrics:

  • Unit Sales (Total products fulfilled)
  • Processing (Total number of products in production)
  • Shipped (Total number of products in shipping process)
  • Delivered (Total number of products successfully delivered)

When you click on Detail, you will get a more detailed report depending on the time you have selected. In addition to the above figures, we also have:

  • Refund (Total products refunded for the day)
  • Remake (Total number of products produced in a day)
  • Cancelled (Total number of products successfully canceled for the day)



  • Current Balance: Tổng số dư ví top-up ở thời điểm xem
  • Paid: Tổng số tiền đã thanh toán cho đơn hàng fulfillment

Ngoài ra, bạn có thể top-up nhanh chóng bằng cách click vào “Add Funds”



Your bestsellers will be regularly updated here, based on Store and Time filters.


  • Product Name (Name of the product)
  • Orders (Total number of orders on the optional store)
  • Unit sales (Total number of products sold on the optional store)
  • Fulfillment cost

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