Renew Domain
BurgerPrints’ system will automatically send emails and notifications to remind sellers to renew their soon-to-expire domain.
A domain can receive a maximum of 5 email and notification reminders.
- First Time: 30 days before the deadline
- Second Time: 15 days before the deadline
- Third Time: 7 days before the deadline
- Fourth Time: 3 days before the deadline
- Fifth Time: 1 day before the deadline
Template notification: Your domain name domain will expire in corresponding number of days days.
EX: Your domain will expire in 5 days.
Email template: send an email to the corresponding seller’s email address

Note: If the domain is not renewed within 30 days, the system will automatically remove the domain from the BurgerPrints domain list.
To renew the domain, the seller should follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the “Setting” tab => choose “Domain” => click the button to renew the domain purchased on Namecheap (the icon will be displayed 30 days before the expiration date, until it is renewed). Once successfully renewed, the icon will no longer be displayed. Note that domains purchased outside of Namecheap and connected by the seller will not show this icon when they need to be renewed.
Case 1: If there is no payment method: the system will display an interface for the seller to add a payment method (a payment method to renew the domain).
Case 2: If there is a payment method: the seller clicks Pay to complete the domain renewal.