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Guide to Using the Import Products and Export Products Features

To make it easier for Sellers to create and manage products on the system, BurgerPrints has officially launched new features:

Import Product – allows Sellers to create one or a series of products on the BurgerPrints system by uploading a CSV file.

Export Product – allows Sellers to download multiple products from the BurgerPrints system according to Shopify, WooCommerce, Klaviyo, or Google Shopping feed templates.

Import Product Feature

Sellers can create CSV files containing all the information about the products they want to create on the BurgerPrints system. Download the CSV file template here!

Note: The uploaded CSV file must ensure:

  • The correct structure of the sample CSV file, do not change the position of the columns
  • Fill in the mandatory information in the CSV file: Handle, Title, Option1 Name, Option1 Value, Variant SKU, Image Src.
  • Enter title, URL handle no more than 255 characters
  • Product description no more than 4000 characters
  • Have at least 1 option, 1 value belonging to the option
  • URL handle has no spaces (replace spaces with -), do not leave blank
  • Image: do not leave blank, the image link must have view, download permissions
  • Status: Active or Draft

See more instructions on filling out the import file here!

To use the Import Product feature, Sellers please follow the instructions:

Step 1: Go to the Products tab on the left navigation bar.

Step 2: Click “Import” at the top right corner of the Products page and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Click on the orange “Click to upload…” text in the middle of the pop-up to upload the CSV file containing the full product information that you have prepared initially. When you upload the file, the system will check if the file structure matches the template and will notify you.

If the notification “File could not be uploaded. Ensure that your uploaded file is against the correct template” appears, you need to review your CSV file to ensure it meets the requirements and upload the file again.

Select the “Overwrite any current product that have the same handle” checkbox to overwrite old products in the system with new products from the import file when they have the same URL handle.

Step 4: When the data from the import file is successfully uploaded to the system, a pop-up summarizing the data will appear before you submit it to the system. After reviewing the data, click the orange “Submit” button to upload the product data to the system.

If there are errors in the CSV file data, the system will notify you of the invalid data. You can choose “Cancel” to abort the entire process and re-import with the corrected data, or click “Submit” to upload the valid data and ignore the erroneous data.

When the import process is complete, the system will simultaneously send an email to notify the Seller.

Export Product Feature

The Export Product feature allows Sellers to download multiple products from the BurgerPrints system according to Shopify, WooCommerce, Klaviyo, or Google shopping feed templates.

To use the Export Product feature, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Go to the Products tab on the left navigation bar of the screen.

Step 2: Click “Export” at the top right corner of the Products page and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Fill in the conditions to export the product.

In the Export section, select the products to download.

Current page: Select the products on the current page.

All products: Select all products.

Selected: Select the products you have ticked (if you haven’t selected any products before, you won’t be able to use this button).

Export products by date: Select the products created within a specific time range.

  • In the Export by template section, choose the template you want to use for downloading products. Here, you can select product templates based on Shopify, WooCommerce, Klaviyo, or Google shopping feed. You can also download product templates in the Template export section.

In the Export variants section, select the variants of the product you want to download. You can choose the first variant of the products (First variant of a product) or choose to download all variants (All variants of a product).

Step 4: After selecting the download conditions for the product, click Export and wait for the system to process.

After processing is completed, the system will send you an email notification. Additionally, you can view the export history in the Export History section.

If you have any questions about this feature, please contact our experienced support team for the quickest assistance.
