
Building brand for your Print on Demand business (P2)

Why should you custom branding when doing POD business?

In Print on Demand business, there are almost no barriers to entry into the market, lots of new competitors join every day that creating huge competitive pressure for your business to survival and stay in the market. Besides finding unique ideas for your designs, building your own custom brand can be an invaluable asset in attracting customers and making profits.

Custom brand helps to build customer loyalty and leads your customers to buy back.

The cost for a new customer is 5 ~ 7 times higher than keeping an existing one. Branding will help to growth your business consistency for the long term, your customers will remember you and come back in the future.

If there is no custom brand, your customers may buy your products when seeing your advertised somewhere, but then it is difficult to find you again, you will hardly stand out in million of other similar products of your competitors.

Make differences

With Print on Demand, in addition to finding unique designs for your products, sellers can make the differences from others through their custom brand character in their product or packaging.

Increase the value of products

When building custom brand, sellers can add perceived value to their products. A branded product capable to sell in a higher price than a regular product in the market.

Finding new customers

Custom branding makes it easier for potential customers to find you through the brand consistency on all sales channels, social networks, ….

Support marketing activities

According to data collected by WordStream, branding can increase clickthrough rate (CTR) on online ads by 2-3 times.

Build your brand with BurgerPrints platform

Designing and positioning your brand

Not only design custom names, logos, slogans … sellers can also create their own styles through their creative designs or inspired stories.

For example, you want to build a brand that sells Print on Demand products to pet lovers. You can share the stories from your experiences with your pets. Certainly, your target audience will feel more in common with your brand, making it easier to be sympathetic and engaged.

When creating online stores on BurgerPrints platform, sellers can easily create products with just a few clicks, have payment gateway support, order management system … and beside, you can easily customize names store, logo, banner, colors… to match your custom brand.

Connect your brand with target audience

POD sellers often sell their products on many different channels, so using your brand identify in all those channels will increase brand awareness and help customers recognize you. Other way, you should connect your audience through social platforms with attractive and value contents.

Focus on product quality – custom products

A good brand is always associated with product quality. If the quality of your product does not satisfy the consumer and does not create an impressive customer experience, your branding goal will be difficult to achieve. With POD products, in addition to create impressive designs, choosing a good manufacturer or fulfillment partner also plays an important role in building custom brand.

Currently, in addition to providing the best quality products with a reasonable price, BurgerPrints is researching and developing to help sellers create private labels on products. Sellers can add their own brand identify to products for custom branding.

Sellers only need to provide the some point of the custom brand, currently the logo (follow a format), BurgerPrints will help sellers put it in the label and print directly on the product.

Sellers can also customize the product elements to increase the buyer’s experience such as packaging, thank you letters …

These private label functions are still being progressing by BurgerPrints, firstly on products manufactured in Vietnam. 

Read more Part 1 here.

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1 thoughts on “Building brand for your Print on Demand business (P2)

  1. Pingback: Building brand for your Print on Demand business (P1) – BurgerPrints Academy

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