
Print on Demand sales funnel using Facebook Ads

For those who have just started to sell or have been in Print on Demand for a while, they often use Facebook Ads as a tool to advertise their products. This article will show you the sales funnel and some problems in this selling process.

Sales funnel

The sales funnel represents the buying process of customers. This is a process from when customers see your ad and know about the products until they purchase. This funnel consists of sections:

Step 1: the top of funnel

The first place you need to consider is the top of funnel. It refers to the first two slices of the funnel: People who view your ads and people who click your link. The metrics of the ads you have to care here are:

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)

CPC (Cost Per Link Click)

CTR (Click Through Rate)

VAWT (Video Average Watch Time)

If these above metrics is not as you expected, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

People are not interested in your product

Your ad is not really attractive

Tips to optimize: try changing the content of the ads, if still not effective, you may be targeting the wrong audience, think about changing it.

Step 2: the middle and bottom of funnel

This is the period from when customers start knowing about your product until they purchase. During this period, some problems may cause and make customers out without buying. To find out what the problem is, you can refer to the following metrics of Facebook ads:

Cost per content view

Cost per link click (CPC)

Cost per add to cart

Cost per initiated checkout

Cost per result (CPP)

Problems in this period are usually:

Price is too high

The homepage or catalog page design is too bad

Tips to optimize:

* If cost per content view < ½ cost per link click CPC -> try reduce the price

* If cost per add to cart < 10% cost per content view ->  Re-check the content and design quality of the product page.

* If cost per initiated checkout < ½ cost per add to cart ->  re-target the audience

* If cost per purchase  CPP < ½ cost per initiated checkout -> there was a problem during the checkout process (complex process, no variety of payment options, lack of credibility …)

Above are some information about the sale funnel using Facebook Ads and how to analyze some ad metrics to find problems and optimize to achieve the best results. Wished everyone success!

Via: Verumecom

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