Guide to Connecting Amazon Store with BurgerPrints Fulfillment Platform
If you are a POD seller on the Amazon platform, let BurgerPrints introduce you to a solution to connect your Amazon store with the BurgerPrints fulfillment platform to optimize the order processing workflow and save the most time.
To connect your Amazon store to the BurgerPrints platform, follow these steps:
Step 1: On the Home interface of the Dashboard, find and select Store channels, then click the plus sign next to it.

Step 2: When you click on the plus sign, you will be taken to the Connect store interface, select the Amazon section. Here, please carefully read our instructions:
First, select the Marketplace ID corresponding to the market where your store is selling. BurgerPrints can now connect to Amazon stores in the U.S. (ATVPDKIKX0DER – US), Canada (A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2 – CA), and Mexico (A1AM78C64UM0Y8 – MX).
Next, enter the Store name. You can either use the same name as your Amazon store or choose any name that allows you to manage it most easily on BurgerPrints. This Store name will appear in the Store channels section on the left side of the screen after you successfully connect the store.
After filling in the above two pieces of information, click Copy Amazon App URL to get the Authorized Link.

Step 3: Open a new tab next to it, log in to your Amazon seller central account. Then overwrite the URL of the seller central page “” with the link copied in step 2.
Step 4: Check the box “I direct Amazon to provide Burgerprints: Print-on-Demand access to my Selling Partner account and related data. I am responsible for any actions taken by the application” to allow the connection, then click Confirm to verify and complete the setup process.
After completing the process, return to the BurgerPrints page, refresh it, and you will see the Amazon store you just connected in the Store channels section with the Amazon logo. All orders from this store will be automatically synced to the system for fulfillment at BurgerPrints. Additionally, the BurgerPrints system will also push the tracking information of the orders being fulfilled to the Amazon Store, so customers can track their order information there.

Note: With each Amazon Seller Account, sellers can connect multiple stores corresponding to different markets.
Wish you successful set-up, and if you have any questions or difficulties during the process, please contact our support team via Livechat or Fanpage.