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Guide to choosing Shipping Method for US Fulfillment Center

Upon order creation, Sellers are required to select a suitable shipping method to complete the order process. BurgerPrints offers a range of shipping options to cater to diverse Seller needs: Economy, Standard, Express, and Priority Express. Each shipping method incurs distinct fees and delivery timelines. To select the most appropriate shipping method for your order, please adhere to the following guidelines.

I. Details about each shipping method

Economy shipping method

– Fulfillment Center: Spire, Vini, Grand

– Product: Lightweight (T-Shirt, Long sleeve,…), Heavyweight (Sweatshirt, Hoodie,…)

– Country: US

– Carrier: UPS/DHL

– Shipping cost from: $4.99

– Shipping time: 4-8 business days delivery for US Domestic

Standard shipping method

– Fulfillment Center: Denali, Grand

– Product: Lightweight (T-Shirt, Long sleeve,…), Heavyweight (Sweatshirt, Hoodie,…)

– Country: US

– Carrier: USPS

– Shipping cost from: $5.49

– Shipping time: 2-5 business days delivery for US Domestic

Express shipping method

– Fulfillment Center: Denali, Vini, Grand

– Product: Lightweight (T-Shirt, Long sleeve,…), Heavyweight (Sweatshirt, Hoodie,…)

– Country: US

– Carrier: USPS

– Shipping cost from: $10.99

– Shipping time: 1-3 business days delivery for US Domestic

Priority Express shipping method

– Fulfillment Center: Denali

– Product: Lightweight (T-Shirt, Long sleeve,…), Heavyweight (Sweatshirt, Hoodie,…)

– Country: US

– Carrier: USPS

– Shipping cost from: $26.99

– Shipping time: Next-Day to 2 days delivery for US Domestic 

II. To select Shipping Method for an order, Seller please Follow these instructions:

2.1. Order by Manual 

Step 1: After logging in system, access the Order tab on the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.  

Step 2: Create an order by clicking the “Create Order” button in the right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Select the shipping method you want to place your order successfully

A few notes: 

After the Seller adds the product to the order and adds full shipping information, the system will initiate an API call to retrieve a list of viable shipping methods. Eligible shipping methods will be prominently displayed and selectable by the Seller, whereas ineligible options will be visually de-emphasized and disabled.

– If the Seller has not selected a shipping method but clicks Save order, the system will report an error: “Shipping service can’t be blank”

– If Seller clicks Save order in TH without any satisfactory method, the system will report an error: “Shipping method is not available”

2.2. Order by importing CSV

Prior to the recent update, CSV-imported orders with invalid or omitted shipping methods would be assigned a default shipping method of Standard.

The system now dynamically assigns the first available shipping method from the API response to such orders.

In cases where no eligible shipping methods are identified, the order will be flagged as Incomplete with an accompanying warning:  “Shipping method is not available

2.3. Order by API call

To place an order using an API call, kindly follow the instructions provided at the following link::  

Here’s a quick example of an API call for an Economy shipment:


    “shipping_name”: “Oderhex”,

    “shipping_address1”: “1300 Rosa Parks Blvd “,

    “shipping_address2”: “1”,

    “shipping_city”: “1”,

    “shipping_state”: “AK”, 

    “shipping_zip”: “5600”,

    “shipping_country”: “US”,


    “shipping_email”: “”,

    “shipping_phone”: “54641534”,

    “ignore_address_check”: true,

    “reference_order_id”: “check economy”,

    “items”: [


            “catalog_sku”: ” USGG5000-White-S”,

            “design_url_front”: “”,






    “sandbox”: false,

    “api_key”: “3c072273-9a43-44c3-b6ec-778f57cd1c28”


Should you have any inquiries or encounter any errors while placing an order and selecting shipping methods, please do not hesitate to contact BurgerPrints for immediate assistance.
