Guide to Completing Form W-8
The W-8 form is a declaration used to verify that the seller is not a U.S. citizen, thereby ensuring that tax issues will not be subject to the regulations of this country.

You can download the W-8 form here.
A valid W-8 form will require the following information:
Part 1: Identification of Beneficial Owner: In this section, you will need to fill in your basic information:
• Items 1 and 2: Your name and the country you are a citizen of.
• Item 3: This item requires a detailed address, including house number, street name, ward/commune, district, and city where you live.
• Item 4: Your mailing address (note that this is a physical location, not an email address). If this address is the same as the one provided in Item 3, leave this section blank.
• Items 5, 6, and 7 are optional; you may fill them out or leave them blank.
• Item 8: Date of birth, written in the format month-day-year (MM-DD-YYYY).
Part 2: Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits: Only fill out Item 9. If you are a Vietnamese seller, enter “Vietnam” in this section.
Part 3: This section is not necessary.
Sign: After completing the form, you need to sign in the “Sign Here” section below. Then fill in your date of birth in the adjacent box, write your full name in the “Print name of signer” box below, and write “YES” in the “Capacity in which acting” section.