Compilation of instructions for creating new orders on BurgerPrints
Currently, BurgerPrints offers users five ways to create a new order on the system. These include:
Creating an order by browsing products
You need to access Orders, select Create order, then choose Browse product, find and select the product you want to order, and choose Add product order. After that, you need to add information about quantity, discount coupons, shipping information, shipping services, etc., and proceed to pay for the order. For detailed instructions on how to create an order using Browse product, click Here.
Create an order from Add custom product.
You access Orders, select Create order >> Add custom product, update the required information, and click save. After that, you add information about the quantity, discount vouchers, shipping information, shipping services, and then proceed to pay for the order. Detailed instructions on how to create an order from Add custom product can be found here.
Create an order from an existing order
When you want to place a new order and it is similar to a previous one, to save time, you can create a new order from an existing order. In the Orders interface, find and select the previous order, then click Duplicate to create a new order identical to the previous one. After that, edit the order details and proceed with the payment. For detailed instructions on creating an order from an existing one, click Here.
Create Order Using CSV
To create an order using a CSV file, you need to access Orders and select Import. Then, download the CSV file you want to use for creating the order. Fill in the required fields in the file and import it back into the system. The system will automatically check and create the order for you. For detailed instructions on creating orders using CSV, click here.
Creating Orders via API
Creating orders via API is another method to generate orders from a seller’s own software system onto BurgerPrints’ platform. See detailed instructions on creating orders via API here.
With the above-mentioned order placement methods, you can choose the most suitable option for your team. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, please contact the BurgerPrints support team for the best assistance.